ISAR-8 Special Session Proposal

Overview of the ISAR-8 program

Core scientific programs in ISAR-8 consist of Plenary, Regular, and Special sessions. Scientific interaction in ISAR-8 will be performed in the format of oral and poster presentations. Following Regular Sessions are designed by the organizing committee (program and local organizing committees): 1) Atmosphere; 2) Ocean and sea ice; 3) Rivers, lakes, permafrost, and snow cover; 4) Ice sheets, glaciers, and ice cores; 5) Terrestrial ecosystems; 6) Marine ecosystems; 7) Geospace; 8) Laws, politics, and economy; 9) Language, culture, and Environment; and 10) Engineering for sustainable development.

Call for Special Sessions

Special session proposals are now solicited. Sessions with interdisciplinary and trans-disciplinary themes, as well as those focusing on specific topics, are encouraged. The designated form must be submitted via the form for the Special Session Proposal by December 10, 2024. The proposers of the session are expected to be the conveners who determine acceptance of individual abstracts (accept/reject), the format of presentations (oral/poster), orders, and the time length of each oral presentation. They are also responsible for facilitating the presentations during the session.


The following items are required during the submission process of the proposal:

  1. Proposers’ names, affiliations, and e-mail addresses
  2. Session title (up to 300 characters)
  3. Session description (up to 2500 characters)
  4. Summary sentence (appears in print; up to 1000 characters)
  5. Expected number of participants (optional)
  6. Scientific fields or related disciplines of the session

#5 is taken into consideration for the allocation of rooms, and #6 is to avoid the schedule overlap of sessions with similar disciplines. These may not necessarily meet your request.


The acceptance or rejection of Special Session proposals is decided by the organizing committee and will be notified to the proposers by early March, 2025. The proposed sessions may be rearranged by the organizing committee to avoid redundancies or to fill in gaps, in which cases the proposers are contacted by the organizing committee.

An oral session is made of one or multiple of the 90-minute slot(s); a minimum of 5 speakers are required for each slot. The number of allocated slots for each oral session will be determined based on the number of oral speakers and the availability of rooms.

ISAR-8 Program and Local Organizing Committees